Tenth Entry

#10 Prince Street

Friday, March 27th, 2020

“Uniquely ill-equipped” – a term I heard on the radio this morning in reference to Black communities around the country. The NAACP explained that this condition is due to fundamental inequalities in our culture.

The $2 trillion aid package to put “America First” was signed into law yesterday.

New York’s Governor Cuomo said public schools will remain closed until at least April 15th and added that an extended closure may be needed. NYC Mayor de Blasio, who was initially reluctant to close schools, is now suggesting that they will not reopen for the rest of this semester.

Belgium has banned going outside. Italy has outlawed outdoor sports activities, including individual jogging and biking. Iran, which so far has been hit the hardest of the middle eastern countries, has turned down American aid, saying the virus was manufactured by the USA.

China is relaxing its social lockdown.
The president said he inherited an obsolete medical system.
A tiger in the Bronx zoo is sick with Covid 19.

6-minute Audio
Audio Spring Street, Oculus, Hurricane Sandy.