Sixth Entry
#6 Sullivan Street

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

President Trump said “We are going to save American workers and save them quickly.”
He continued that he is “working hard to make this go away.”
And followed with: “Incredible.” “Incredible.”

On my way to mail a letter, I passed the Dominique Ansel bakery on Spring Street, home of the Cronut. The small shop must be listed in New York City guidebooks and praised in more than fifty languages. Unlike in recent years, there was no line outside, and not even one customer inside. The door was propped open.

A co-worker flew back from Miami a few days ago, after an aborted vacation. The ticket cost $50. He said there was hardly anyone on the plane.

I asked a friend—a high school teacher—if she still dresses like a schoolteacher for her online classes. “No,” she replied.

My health insurance company sent a letter saying they are offering $0 copays for telemedicine visits until June 4th, along with free coronavirus testing and doctor visits.

Messages and “check-in” calls I’ve received from around the country and beyond are reminiscent of 9/11, the last time this city had “epicenter” status.