Forty-fourth Entry Monday, April 27th, 2020 The heat in my little home is on again, and it’s nearly May. The chill has prolonged the blossoming trees and flowers. It’s been wonderful to have spring’s exuberance extended. Thirty-five percent of the food pantries in NYC...
Forty-third Entry Wednesday, April 29th, 2020 Last night I walked home. Walking is almost always refreshing, and it was delightful to have the sidewalks all to myself. I wanted to experience nighttime activity on a west-side avenue with traffic heading uptown. Each...
Forty-second Entry Tuesday, April 28th, 2020 Today, most of the news is about “reopening.” The President says, “Testing is not going to be a problem.” An Obama-era medical advisor projected that things would return to “normal” in Fall 2021. New York state’s budget...
Forty-first Entry Monday, April 27th, 2020 The heat in my little home is on again, and it’s nearly May. The chill has prolonged the blossoming trees and flowers. It’s been wonderful to have spring’s exuberance extended. Thirty-five percent of the food pantries in NYC...
Fortieth Entry Sunday, April 26th, 2020 The Hubble Space Telescope has been in orbit for 30 years. The price of gas across the US last week averaged $1.93. Adjusted for inflation, that is about 35¢ per gallon cheaper than the $1.15 pump price when the telescope...
Thirty-ninth Entry Saturday, April 25th, 2020 “I hate being alone” –– caught my attention. A woman was speaking to her grandson on the radio, probably about connecting remotely. Are people born with a distaste for being alone, or do such tendencies develop? People...