2023 special entry -easter

Special Entry – Easter Sunday, April 12th, 2020 The word “apocalypse” caught my eye in a headline on the front page of The New York Times yesterday. I didn’t read the article to see if it mentioned a “fire drill” as per the recent letter from Wyoming urging me...

2023 twenty-sixth entry

Twenty-sixth Entryclick for detail Sunday, April 12th, 2020 overand overand overagain this strikes me as an opportunityfor me,for those I knowfor those I do not know not for the planetthe planet likely couldn’t care less, it will survive, it is us who have become...

2023 twenty-fifth entry

Twenty-fifth Entryclick for next moment Saturday, April 11th, 2020 It was overcast and cold when I walked out the front door toward my bike yesterday afternoon. You barely need to look both ways before crossing these days, but it’s a good habit to keep. No cars were...

2023 twenty-fourth entry

Twenty-fourth Entry   Friday, April 10th, 2020 Awake, I lay still, taking in the quiet again. Has it ever been this quiet here, on this small island—100, 200, or even 300 years ago? I doubt it.There is a stillness as if no humans or animals live here. Lying in an...

2023 twenty-second entry

Twenty-second Entry Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 Union Square farmer’s market was mostly packed up at 4:00 PM——earlier than normal. “Normal,” once a banal term, now needs to be defined. There was a palpable sense of comradery among the market vendors. Perhaps just the...

2023 twenty-first

Twenty-first Entry Monday, April 6th, 2020 Week four of a pretty different life for many. New York City has transformed from the wonderful chaos of a Joan Mitchell or Jackson Pollack painting to the minimal order of an Agnes Martin or Barnett Newman. Wisconsin...