2023 twentieth entry

Twentieth Entry Monday, April 6th, 2020 Week four of a pretty different life for many. New York City has transformed from the wonderful chaos of a Joan Mitchell or Jackson Pollack painting to the minimal order of an Agnes Martin or Barnett Newman. Wisconsin postponed...

2023 nineteenth entry

Nineteenth Entry Sunday, April 5th, 2020 I lie still, taking in this new day. Quiet. Not one passing car. No sounds of radiators, revelers, neighbors, contractors, car alarms, or crows. Not even a fly or a child in the playground. After a while, I hear my neighbor to...

2023 eighteenth entry

Eighteenth Entry Saturday, April 4th, 2020 The flowering trees have outdone themselves in the quiet of this year’s odd spring. Earlier tonight, locking my bike on Sullivan Street, I noticed the uppermost tapered part of the Empire State Building was red. I have seen...

2023 seventeenth entry

Seventeenth Entry click to enlarge   Friday, April 3rd, 2020 Today, the Mayor said everyone should cover their faces in public. By afternoon, the President said everyone should use a mask. He stated that he did not think he would be “doing it.” It is the eve of...

2023 sixteenth entry

Sixteenth Entry click to enlarge Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 The morning news reported that hospitals updated their ethical guidelines to “maximize life.” I recently heard the word “lottery” referencing access to limited hospital equipment and related care, often the...

2023 fifteenth entry

Fifteenth Entry Wednesday, April 1st, 2020 This place has been radically changed—quickly and without any physical devastation. At about 12:30 AM, I rode more than 25 blocks south on Seventh Avenue. Only two vehicles passed me during the moderately paced trip, one car...