The Covid Entries

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Eleventh Entry | flimflamery
Covid test, Calatrava’s oculus, a dire situation
Photo: March 28th, 2020
Sixth Avenue
Sent 4/26/20
Twelfth Entry | a level of unknown
World Trade Center Transportation Hub, first world horrific
Photo: March 29th, 2020
Sent 4/28/20
Thirteenth Entry 🔊 | the audible spectrum
defective masks, things have changed “utterly”, United Nations
3/30 Audio The haves and the have nots. 5 min.
Photo: March 30th, 2020
Sullivan Street
Sent 4/30/20
Twenty-fifth Entry | cigarette butts
Twenty-sixth Entry | a darkly cloaked gift
an opportunity, a disruption, what makes each of us tick
Photo: April 12th, 2020
Mercer Street
Sent 5/31/20
Twenty-seventh Entry | covid dreams
lugging stolen toilet paper in a bed sheet, analogies to war
Photo: April 13th, 2020
Madison Street
Sent 6/19/20
Thirty-first Entry | a familiar strangeness
stillness, refridgerated trailers, riding the wrong way
Photo: April 17th, 2020
Bleecker Street
Sent 7/5/20
Forty-fourth Entry | cloud of safety, blanket of fear
tractor-trailer morgues, subway
Photo: April 30th, 2020
Elizabeth Street
Sent 9/28/20
Forty-ninth Entry | another lesson of what is essential
rats, the Supreme Court, experts
Photo: May 4th, 2020
West 23rd Street
Sent 10/18/20
Fiftieth Entry | information is a kind of noise
George Floyd, Vietnam War, May 4th Massacre
Photo: May 5th, 2020
3rd Avenue
Sent 10/22/20
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