The Covid Entries

The Covid Entries

The Film Forum on West Houston St in New York City during Covid. The Awning has the following message in place of showtimes: Temporarily Closed and a quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."
The Film Forum on West Houston St in New York City during Covid. The Awning has the following message in place of showtimes: Temporarily Closed and a quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

The Covid Entries offer daily reports of the pandemic’s harsh surge in New York City in early spring 2020. The 56 entries provide real time observations of the early weeks when disease and fear transformed the city.


The Film Forum on West Houston St in New York City during Covid. The Awning has the following message in place of showtimes: Temporarily Closed and a quote from Franklin D. Roosevelt "We have nothing to fear but fear itself."

The Covid Entries offer daily reports of the pandemic’s harsh surge in New York City in early spring 2020. The 56 entries provide real time observations of the early weeks when disease and fear transformed the city.



Selected Entries   All Entries ›

Thirteenth Entry 🔊 | the audible spectrum


Covid Entry Sullivan Street
Thirteenth Entry

3/30 Audio The haves and the have nots. 5 min.

Photo: March 30th, 2020
Sullivan Street




Originally sent 4/30/20

Twenty-second Entry | normal now needs to be defined


Twenty-second Entry

Photo: April 8th, 2020
Sixth Avenue




Originally sent 5/18/20

Twenty-sixth Entry | a prayer


Twenty-sixth Entry

Photo: April 12th, 2020
Mercer Street



Originally sent 5/31/20

Twenty-seventh Entry | covid dreams


Twenty-seventh Entry

Photo: April 13th, 2020
Madison Street





Originally sent 6/19/20

Twenty-eighth Entry 🔊 | gasoline under $2.00 per gallon

eye contact, false negative tests, prisoners


Twenty-eighth Entry

4/14 Audio Tax day, Jefferson Market Library, six bells. 1 min.

Photo: April 14th, 2020
Broome Street

Originally sent 6/23/20

Forty-ninth Entry | another lesson of what is essential


Forty-ninth Entry

Photo: May 4th, 2020
West 23rd Street


Originally sent 10/18/20

Fiftieth Entry | information is a kind of noise


Fiftieth Entry

Photo: May 5th, 2020
3rd Avenue






Originally sent 10/22/20

Fifty-second Entry | how we adapt reveals who we are


Fifty-second Entry

Photo: May 7th, 2020
Eighth Avenue




Originally sent 10/30/20